
Friday, 26 October 2018

poem about wind

On that day my soul grew windward

'Wind!' chuckled I, 'Yes wind!'

Deep into that darkness walking

In a kingdom full of storms

I awoke and flung the twist

Wind - tormentor of my dreams

Much I marvelled the stink murmur

When I thought of the wind

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

I’ll give you a sentence.  Then you have to take each word of that sentence
and write another whole sentence.
“With great power comes great responsibility”
With….the cat with the mouse ran inside.
Great…quick job done today great now to rest in the hot sun.
Power…brown long hair on a powerful woman with beautiful eyes.
Comes…foxes coming down from the hill to the pool.
Great…we jumped a great big jump and went into the pool.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
The forest was really scary when Julie and I went for a walk.  “Quick!”
I cried, “run faster!” Brown hair bobbing, Julie raced towards me.  Foxes were
everywhere, chasing us around the trees.  Jumped and scratched and twisted
and turned, we ran as fast as we could.  Over and over, I heard Julie call out,
“Wait for me!”  The silly girl was just so slow.  Lazy, that’s what mum calls her.
 Dogs barked nearby, scaring the foxes away – and finally, we were safe.

The pool was very we went in as quick as we could.but when we were running the lifeguard
with long brown hair told us to slow down and be careful because there are foxes living on the hill.we
got to the pool and we jumped in over the water.the lazy siren went on for some music to swim to.then
it stopped and a alarm for foxes came on but it was just some dogs running down the hill.

Friday, 19 October 2018

fortnite gone wrong

It was a good day in the land of fortnight in lonely lodge.Then I heard a big bang and I seen fire in
the sky.I started to run to see what was happening so I could get an idea what to do.I start seeing
bodys everywhere of my team mates and all there lot on the ground.I pick up all there loot better
guns and mats.But i still didn't know what was wrong why my teammates where died and why
it was so quiet.Then I see a ship nothing I have ever seen before I go in and see one big green
monster it was bowser from mario.He was breathing so heavy and looked angry. Then i walked
closer well tried to but then I hit something I tried to catch it but it was too late it shattered on the
floor of the ship.He turned around looking at me steam coming out his nose like a dragon. He had
a mini gun in his hands and tried to kill me but then I remembered that I picked up my teammates
loot from before and had hid around the corner of Dusty Divit got my ar out in my hands and im
shaking so bad scared of dying.So I start to build trying to aim him up with my gun but he could
be aiming me up to so I thought to myself for my friends I will try to fight .So I start to shoot and
he shoots back and that's when I knew he hasn't been here before and I haved lived here all my
life.That's when I play smart and place traps and his health  gets lower and lower but then out of
nowhere i get shoot and my health is low.I am more scared for my life now.So I jump in the air
with my gun and do a 360 turn and shoot him in the face and kill him with a headshot and in big
letters it says you have saved fortnite battle royal thank you and fortnite lives happy ever after.