
Tuesday 15 May 2018

stone age tools intro

what problems did people face in the stone age: animals wanted to hurt the people
what food did they eat: fruits roots raw flesh
what was used to hunt food: stons rocks
what was difficult about using stones : to big and heavey
what did they do about this problem : shaped them into small and sharp
what kind of tools were used : hunting and to make more wepons
what type of tools could they when adding wood and stones together : pick axe spear arrow
what is an axe and pick axe used for: dinging and chop and to smash hard thingsImage result for stone age tools and weapons

Wednesday 9 May 2018

SEXXY Paragraphs

The film aspect close up was used effectively because you could see the dark red blood dripping
down his face.for instance you can see his blood dribbling down his sweaty face like he was in a
fight.we see this when the white guy is pointing a gun and he's scared and shaking.the dictator did
this to show the bad in the white and that black isnt bad.and how the white treat the black.the effect
of this was to try make you feel like you are in this situation or to feel like you want to help.this aspect
can be compared with a real life situation in a fight.

The film aspect close up was used cleverly because you can see what the director wants you to look
at.we see this when the camera focuses on the three girls and two of the girls are looking at the girl
in the middle.the dictator did this to make you look at the girl and her facial expressions.this made
the audience think that she was happy to see pk knock out a afracina.

This aspect can be compared to you doing something good in life and making other people around you feel happy.
The film aspect long shot was
used brilliant because we could see all the people around the arena even from the other side of the
arena.the director did this to make you see what is around pk and see how many people are
watching.the purpose of this was to think what he is feeling if you were in the arena.this effect was to
make you see that long shot was good to use in this situation.this aspect can be compared to u
standing in that arena like that and getting yelled at.
The film aspect close up was
used skillfully becomes you can see the blood in his nose and his eyebrow.the dictator did this to
see what kind of disappointment in pk and how you want to help him and fight again.the effect of this
was to focus on pk and want to see what kind of pain he is in.this made the addenace feel sad for pk
would want to help him up so he can get back at him.

what am i learning : im learning how to write good paragraphs really good and being abel to write more
and get high marks
how dose this work show my learning:it shows how i have progressed from last time i did this and
how much more it is better
what am i wondering: im wondering what kind of marks i will get and if my work is good for my standerds

Friday 4 May 2018

The time we saw power in the power of one

The film aspect longshot was used skillfully because the got all the people singing and
the conductor even if it is a bit blurry.for instante we see this when the camera is showing
everyone in the room.the director did this to show all the tribes working together as one.
the effect of this was to make the audience think that everyone can work together.
this can be compared to pk teaching the blacks english.

The film aspect close up was used brilliantly to show the pain of Pete.
For example we see this when the camera shows the guards and Pete face it shows
that the guard has beaten Pete the director did this to show emotion and feelings these
include hurt and pain and feeling like u want to help pete.This made the audience feel
scared for quell Pete.This aspect can be compared to pk been beating up by the bully
at the boarding school.

what am i learning:i am learning to write a really good essay paragraph.
how dose this show my learning:i have written two examples of sexxy paragraph.
what am i wondering:how many paragraphs is there going to be in this essay.